Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Coming soon...

I'll be starting this blog later this Spring. The idea comes from a chapter in my memoir, He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not, about the time my friend Amy and I asked God to bring us husbands. Not only did we ask, we decided to pray about it, every day, for 40 days. Friends of ours were praying for other things during that time (world peace, no doubt) but we suspected that if God was really God, he knew what was really pressing on our single, thirty-something hearts.

The results were rather astounding, and not just in the way you might expect. During this time, our hopes and dreams about what happily ever after might look like were expanded in ways we never imagined, and we both grew in directions we wouldn't have thought possible. At the end of the 40 days, we were different, better versions of ourselves....If I'd been a computer, Steve Jobs would have called a press conference announcing the launch of Trish 2.0.

As I've gotten to know the amazing women in the blogsphere over the past couple of years while writing Trish's Dishes, I've been touched by the great conversations that we have about romance and spirituality. My dream is that this 40 Days of Faith experiment will be something we can dive into together, heaping our prayers on top of one another and looking to see what God might do.

So, if you're someone who checks the box for "Spiritual, but not Religious" on the intake form at the doctor's office, and/or find yourself secretly praying that some higher power will bring you the man of your dreams, stay tuned!
